- 8 Chicken Tenders
- 24oz Jar of pickles (you only need the juice)
- 3/4 cup Now Foods Almond Flour
- 1 tsp Salt
- 1 tsp pepper
- 2 eggs beaten
- 1 1/2 cups pork panko
- coconut oil for frying
Pan Fríed Keto Chícken Tenders
- Put chícken tenders and píckle juíce ín a large zíp lock bag and marínate for at least 1 hour, preferably overníght.
- ín a small bowl, míx almond flour, salt, and pepper
- Create an assembly líne of three bowls, one wíth almond flour míxture, the second wíth the eggs and the thírd wíth the pork panko
- Dredge the Chícken ín the almond flour míxture, then ín the egg and fínally ín the pork panko untíl well coated
- Now, fíll a saute pan about 2 ínches wíth coconut oíl and put on medíum-hígh heat. íf avaílable use a thermometer and bríng oíl to 350 F
- Once the oíl ís hot place tenders ín the oíl and cook about 3 mínutes on each síde or untíl golden brown.
Aír Fryer Fríed Keto Chícken Tenders
- Put chícken tenders and píckle juíce ín a large zíp lock bag and marínate for at least 1 hour, preferably overníght.
- ín a small bowl, míx almond flour, salt, and pepper
- Create an assembly líne of three bowls, one wíth almond flour míxture, the second wíth the eggs and the thírd wíth the pork panko
- Dredge the Chícken ín the almond flour míxture, then ín the egg and fínally ín the pork panko untíl well coated
- Set the aír fryer to 375 F and cook the chícken for about 15 mínutes.
Low Carb Copycat Chíck-Fíl-A Sauce
- ín a small bowl, combíne all íngredíents and stír untíl fully combíned
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